Interim management
There are a lot of advantages in engaging additional leadership during phases of change.
Interim management as a driver in project and transformation phases
You will benefit from interim management not only during management shortages or periods of crisis.
Interim management is the additional leadership and management you need for your company during a specific period of time.
Maybe you lack management capacities because your fully tied in your day-to-day business. Or you need more personnel resources at short notice than can be hired promptly.
Many companies also rely on interim management during the integration of new executives, or in transition periods between management changes.
Whatever is the reason that makes your company think of using interim management – let’s talk about it!
There can be no ‘somehow’ in interim management. It only leads to the desired success if it does exactly what is needed in the respective company and in the respective period of time.
Andreas Kindermann, CEO
Transformation phases and what interim management can provide
In dynamic markets, companies have no time to pause. Special project phases, for example product launches or greenfield projects, often require additional personnel resources at management level.
Interim management provides the required management capacity to be successful during transformation phases. It is leadership that can be deployed immediately – without further organizational development.
Interim management works across many industries. For some of these, we at kindermann CONSULTING can provide additional specialized knowledge. And we would gladly let your company benefit from it.
Above all, interim management is frequently booked for the establishment of new locations, in phases of restructuring, for organizational changes following mergers, to support the handover of operations to successors and during the implementation of new software systems.
Head of department or managing director? Our interim management services flexibly adapt to your needs, from position to strategies, and duration. Because support is only as effective as it is tailored to your needs.